The Male Nude: A Modern View (Book review)


Book Review

The Male Nude: A Modern View

By Francois de Louville and Edward Lucie-Smith

Reviewed by Tom Thompson Sydney Morning Herald (1985) (edited with Grammarly)

The Historical Context of Male Nudity in Art

The portrayal of the male nude in art has significantly transformed over the centuries. Traditionally, the female nude dominated the artistic landscape, often celebrated and widely accepted in various art forms. The male nude, however, was historically confined to specific contexts, primarily religious themes. These depictions were often marred by images of suffering or modesty, rarely allowing for a portrayal of male nudity that suggested comfort or enjoyment.

The Shift in the 1970s and Beyond

The 1970s marked a pivotal era where the male nude began to emerge more prominently in the public sphere. Art forms like comic books, notably the works of Tom of Finland, and photography essays started to bring the male nude to a broader audience. This Shift coincided with the increasing availability of such imagery online, further democratizing access to representations of the male body.

David Hockney: A Catalyst for Change

The book in focus here, a catalogue of works by 49 artists curated by de Louisville, highlights the central role of British pop artist David Hockney in redefining the male nude. Hockney’s contributions to this art form have been instrumental in challenging traditional norms and exploring new dimensions of male nudity in art. His work, characterized by its boldness and honesty, has been a beacon in this modern re-evaluation.

Artistic Techniques and Perspectives

The artists in this collection employ various techniques to imbue the male nude with mystery and complexity. Duggie Field’s well-built figures with jock straps, Kevin Whitney’s strategically positioned hands, and R.B. Kitaj’s partial depictions contribute to a nuanced portrayal of the male form. Similarly, female artists like Anne Gilbert and Val Archer have explored the interplay between flesh and fabric in their depictions of the male nude.

Domesticity and Humor in the Male Nude

Some artists have ventured to place the male nude in domestic settings, often resulting in a blend of humour and irony. Diccon Swan’s paintings of male nudes gazing out of windows adorned with Rolex watches playfully comment on traditional symbols of masculinity.

Emotional Depth and Artistic Intimacy

Among the standout works are those that delve into the emotional and intimate aspects of the male nude. Sandra Fisher’s painting of her husband, R.B. Kitjai, is a poignant example, offering a glimpse into the complex dynamics between the artist, subject, and viewer. David Hockney’s series “Waking Up” stands out for its craftsmanship and emotional depth, providing a candid look into his personal life and relationships.

Omissions and Controversies

While the collection is extensive, notable exclusions like the works of Stanley Spencer, Lucien Freud, and Juan Davila highlight the ongoing debates and challenges in fully representing the male nude in art. These omissions underscore the evolving nature of this genre and the diversity of perspectives that continue to shape it.

Conclusion: A Diverse and Evolving Landscape

Today, the male nude in art is seen through a dual lens: as a sensitive, ethereal entity and a symbol of primal force. This diversity in portrayal reflects the evolving attitudes towards masculinity and male nudity in art. The field remains ripe for exploration, inviting artists and viewers alike to reconsider and engage with the male form in new and meaningful ways.


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