What is a Monogram?


A monogram is a single symbol made up of one or more letters. Every aspect of an individual’s taste and fancy can be accommodated with a monogram. Monograms differ significantly, and there is of a great variety of designs.  There are so many different types and combinations of the same letters that no two persons with the same initials must have the same monogram.  Almost endless differences may be attained if treated to a fertile imagination.  There should be order, balance, and symmetry in a monogram, in short, unity.  A real monogram should be, as far as possible be the continuation of one line, which is found in those that are more pleasing to the eye.

Monogram set in Australian Woman’s Weekly 1956

The first letter of the name should be given the most prominent place, and this should be achieved without sacrificing unity or symmetry.  To augment the importance of the central letter, an increasing and decreasing progression should guide the eye.

Assorted monograms

The family letter should occupy the centre and be as conspicuous as possible. It should strike the eye before and more so than all other letters. Monograms on note papers should be simple and if possible, be the tracing of a single line.

Assorted Monograms

The family letter should occupy the centre and be as conspicuous as possible.   It should strike the eye before and more so than all other letters.  Monograms on note papers should be simple and, if possible, be the tracing of a single line.

In the nineteenth century, a monogram was important for a young bride to have the initials of her new husband embroidered on her bridal dress.   The monogram is also used to give a distinctive finish to bed linens, a sheet set and your table linens that old-world look.

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