Cultural Shifts

Rare Italian 'Rimorchiatore' Table Lamp by Gae Aulenti

The Rimorchiatore table lamp, designed by Gae Aulenti in 1967, blends functionality with artistic expression, embodying postmodern design through geometric purity and innovative materials.Read More →

Abstract Speed + Sound by Giacomo Balla

Giacomo Balla, a pivotal figure in 20th-century art, revolutionized art with Futurist movement, integrating art and design, impacting Italian design, displaying beauty in motion.Read More →

Fuld 'Bauhaus' telephone designed by Marcel Breuer

The Bauhaus Fuld Telephone, designed in 1928, embodies modernist principles through its materials, functionality, and impact on design, reflecting the era’s cultural and technological shifts.Read More →

Barcelona Chair by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

The 1920s saw a revolution in chair design, from modernist simplicity to luxurious Art Deco. Innovations in materials and techniques defined the era’s iconic chairs.Read More →

French Fabrics in the art deco style

The Art Deco movement in French textiles, flourishing in the 1920s, featured bold geometric patterns, vibrant colors, and luxury materials, influencing fashion and interior design.Read More →

General Purpose Scissors

The history and design of scissors reveal human ingenuity and adaptation. From Mesopotamia to modern adaptations, scissors reflect cultural shifts and technological advancements, offering valuable insights into design philosophies.Read More →