Otto Künzli: Master Craftsman and Innovator in Contemporary Jewellery Design

'Oh, say!', brooch by Otto Künzli
‘Oh, say!’, brooch by Otto Künzli

Otto Künzli stands as a towering figure in contemporary jewellery design. His innovative approach and meticulous craftsmanship have positioned him as a pivotal influence in modern metalwork and goldsmithing. Künzli’s career, spanning several decades, showcases a journey of creativity, education, and profound artistic contribution. This article delves into Künzli’s life, his contributions to contemporary jewellery, and his enduring legacy that inspires artists and designers globally.

Early Beginnings and Educational Pathway

Born in Zurich, Switzerland, on July 22, 1948, Otto Künzli embarked on his creative journey at a young age. His early education in metals at the School of Design Zurich laid the groundwork for his illustrious career. Under the tutelage of Max Fröhlich and Fritz Loosi, Künzli honed his skills and developed a deep understanding of metalwork and design principles. His apprenticeship concluded in 1970, marking the beginning of a lifelong pursuit of innovation in jewellery design.

Furthering his education, Künzli moved to Munich to study at the Academy of Fine Arts under the mentorship of Hermann Jünger, a pioneer in the field of goldsmithing. This period was crucial for Künzli, as it expanded his technical capabilities and ingrained in him a philosophy of design that transcends traditional boundaries.

Professional Milestones and Academic Leadership

Otto Künzli’s career as both a creator and an educator is characterized by his dual role. His first solo exhibition in 1979 at the Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim marked the beginning of an extensive series of exhibitions that took him across the globe. Künzli’s work has been celebrated in approximately 50 solo exhibitions worldwide, underscoring his significance in the art of jewellery.

In 1986, Künzli extended his passion for teaching to the New Paltz University College, SUNY, and later to the Royal College of Art in London. His role as a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich, succeeding Hermann Jünger in 1991, solidified his influence on generations of artists. Künzli’s tenure at the academy was marked by a commitment to pushing the boundaries of jewellery design, blending traditional techniques with contemporary concepts.

Artistic Contributions and Signature Style

Its conceptual depth and meticulous execution distinguish Otto Künzli’s work. His pieces often combine traditional materials like gold and silver with unconventional elements, challenging perceptions of what jewellery can be. Notable among his creations is the “Gold makes blind” piece, a commentary on the material’s allure and power.

Künzli’s artistic signature—a blend of the numeral eight and the infinity symbol—embodies his endless creativity and innovation philosophy. This mark signifies his craftsmanship and his conceptual approach to jewellery as a medium for artistic expression.

Impact and Legacy

Otto Künzli’s impact on contemporary jewellery design is immeasurable. His works are included in over 50 museums and prestigious collections worldwide, attesting to his artistic significance. Künzli’s legacy is also evident in his students, many of whom have become renowned artists in their own right, including Karl Fritsch, Karen Pontoppidan, and Lisa Walker.

Beyond his contributions to design and education, Künzli has been recognized with numerous awards and honours, including the Grand Prix Design Switzerland and the Federal Republic of Germany Design Award. These accolades celebrate his artistic achievements and his influence on design thinking and education.


Otto Künzli’s journey from a young apprentice in Zurich to a master educator and innovator in Munich exemplifies the transformative power of creativity and dedication. His work inspires and challenges the conventions of jewellery design, ensuring his place as a seminal figure in contemporary art and design. As we reflect on his contributions, we are reminded of the enduring impact one individual can have on the evolution of a discipline. Otto Künzli’s legacy is a testament to the fusion of craftsmanship, innovation, and education, guiding the next generation of designers toward their paths of discovery and expression.


Byars, M., & Riley, T. (2004). The design encyclopedia. Laurence King Publishing.

Otto Künzli. (2023, June 5). In Wikipedia.


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