The Bauhaus vs. The Nazis—A Struggle for Design Philosophy

Nazis vs Bauhaus
Nazis vs Bauhaus

The 20th century was a time of rapid societal change and ideological conflict. Few places encapsulate this tension more acutely than Germany, where the rise of the Bauhaus school coincided with the increasing influence of the Nazi Party. Each represented dramatically different philosophies of art, design, and society, and their clash would have repercussions still felt in the world of design today.

The Bauhaus Movement: Form Follows Function

Bauhaus building

The Bauhaus school was founded by Walter Gropius in 1919 to unify art, craft, and technology. Its minimalist ethos and functional designs have left an indelible mark on architecture, industrial design, graphic design, and interior design. The Bauhaus school advocated the use of modern materials and techniques to create designs that were both aesthetically pleasing and functional. They valued utilitarianism, simplicity, and an international style that transcended cultural boundaries.

Key Tenets:

  1. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Architects, artists, and craftsmen were encouraged to work together, eroding the traditional barriers between these disciplines.
  2. Mass Production: Bauhaus designs often aimed to be easily mass-produced, making quality design more accessible to the masses.
  3. Social Responsibility: They believed that good design could improve society and people’s quality of life.

The Nazis: Blood and Soil

Nazi Art Blood and Toil
Nazi Art Blood and Toil

The National Socialist ideology propagated a return to a mythical, idyllic past, romanticizing traditional Germanic culture. Unlike the internationalist, forward-looking perspective of the Bauhaus, the Nazis endorsed a kind of nationalist aesthetic rooted in folklore and history.

Key Tenets:

  1. Nationalism: Art and design were seen as national identity and heritage expressions.
  2. Hierarchy: The Nazis had a clear hierarchy of arts, with pure art at the top and applied arts at the bottom, a direct contradiction to the Bauhaus ethos of interdisciplinary equality.
  3. Autarky: Self-sufficiency was the goal, which in design terms led to a rejection of modernist styles and materials that could not be produced within Germany.

The Clash

By the early 1930s, the Nazi Party had grown significantly in influence, and its ideology increasingly came into conflict with the teachings and practices of the Bauhaus. In 1933, the Bauhaus school was closed under pressure from the Nazi regime, which labelled it as “un-German” and a hotbed of communist intellectualism. The closure forced many leading figures of the Bauhaus to emigrate, spreading their design philosophies internationally.


  1. Diaspora of Talent: Many Bauhaus designers emigrated to the United States, contributing to the mid-century modern design movement.
  2. Conceptual Rift: The clash led to a clear ideological divide in design, pitching functionalism and internationalism against nationalism and traditionalism.
  3. The Enduring Influence: Both schools of thought have left a lasting impact on design, with Bauhaus shaping modernist design and the Nazi focus on tradition influencing various reactionary design movements.


The conflict between the Bauhaus and the Nazis was not merely a feud between schools of artistic thought; it was a battle of ideologies, each envisioning a radically different society. The closure of the Bauhaus school was a moment of ideological victory for the Nazis but also led to the global dispersal of Bauhaus ideas. Today, as we consider the role of design in society, the clash is a stark reminder of how closely design is tied to the broader social and political context.

While the Nazis’ focus on traditionalism has found echoes in various reactionary movements, the Bauhaus philosophy of functional, accessible design has become a cornerstone in the world of modern design, championing the idea that good design is for everyone. This concept remains ever relevant in today’s design landscape.


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