
Fuld 'Bauhaus' telephone designed by Marcel Breuer

The Bauhaus Fuld Telephone, designed in 1928, embodies modernist principles through its materials, functionality, and impact on design, reflecting the era’s cultural and technological shifts.Read More →

Print of Double bowl with three large shells; in strapwork by Mathias Zündt

Mathias Zündt, a key figure in the German Renaissance, was known for his detailed engravings and metalwork, influencing future artists. His works are featured in prestigious collections.Read More →

Vase with a ghostly wood motif in the Fairyland LustreStyle

Fairyland Lustre, a unique pottery range by Wedgwood, crafted by Daisy Makeig-Jones, mesmerized with vivid colors and fantastical imagery, captivating collectors and art enthusiasts.Read More →

Italian Felt hat ca. 1950s MFAH

Felt, a versatile fabric with ancient roots, has been integral to history, industry, and fashion. Its enduring appeal and adaptability ensure a sustainable legacy.Read More →

Featured image for Émile Samson

Émile Samson upheld his father’s legacy by producing high-quality reproduction ceramics, challenging perceptions of authenticity and leaving a lasting impact on decorative arts.Read More →

Ted Lapidus featured image

Ted Lapidus, a medical student turned self-taught fashion designer, revolutionized fashion with precision tailoring, unisex style, and celebrity endorsements, leaving a lasting legacy.Read More →

Rare glass and painted wood dining table designed by Denham McLauren

Denham McLauren, a trailblazing British furniture designer, seamlessly integrated traditional craftsmanship with modernist elements. His innovative use of materials and artistic vision remains influential today.Read More →

Large Woven Leather and Steal Bench by Erwine & Estelle Laverne

Erwine & Estelle Laverne were influential mid-century American designers, blending art and functionality in minimalist furniture. Their legacy endures despite personal challenges.Read More →

Laughlin mansion c. 1906

The Homer Laughlin China Company, founded in 1871 in Ohio, is a pioneer in American ceramics, known for design innovation and influential decorative arts.Read More →

Spine pattern furnishing fabric designed by Dorothy Larcher

Dorothy Larcher, a London-born textile artist, was influenced by Indian design, collaborated with Phyllis Barron, and left a lasting legacy in British craftsmanship.Read More →